Reviewing/redrafting policies - ensuring that they reflect how you manage each aspect of H&S in practice
Supporting you to complete suitable and sufficient risk assessments of your premises, activities, offsite trips, and events
Assisting with specialist risk assessments such as COSHH, new and expectant mothers, young persons, stress, and individuals with disabilities or health conditions
Assisting you to identify your H&S training needs and compiling a training matrix
Risk Assessment Management Reviews, examining your processes for managing risk assessments - including policies and procedures, risk profiling methodology, responsibilities and training, forms and approval processes, communication, and review
Assisting you to complete a gap-analysis of risk assessments
Ad-hoc consultancy days, perhaps supporting a new H&S or Estates Manager in the role or providing interim support between Estates or H&S Managers
Supporting your recruitment process for H&S positions – e.g. drafting job specifications, filtering CV’s, and presence on your interview panel
Optimising use of your online H&S management systems (e.g. OSHENS, MyCompliance, Every, Smartlog, EVOLVE) – effective reporting and output are wholly dependent on the information you put into these systems