Fixed Fee Advisory Service

Your very own Health & Safety department is only a phone call away

UNLIMITED ADVISORY SERVICEA fixed fee for our annual retained services

No lengthy contracts, we rely on securing repeat business by providing outstanding service!

COMPETENT PERSONHighly experienced professionals on hand

Fulfilling your legal requirement to appoint and retain ‘competent persons’

TRULY INDEPENDENT ADVICEWe work for you alone, and act in your interests

Our advice is not tempered to protect third party interests or relationships (e.g. insurers)

Clients subscribing to the Fixed Fee Advisory Service receive a discounted rate on consultancy work - you're welcome!

Our Advisory Service includes...

Unlimited Telephone Support

We always encourage you to pick up the phone – it’s good to talk!

  • Need a sounding board or second opinion on something Health & Safety related?
  • Want expert technical advice on a particular aspect of Health & Safety?
  • Need clarification on action to take post-accident (e.g. RIDDOR) or immediate response in a crisis?

Email Support

Email your dedicated consultant directly or the central inbox if you…

  • Need to forward a document or photo for us to review
  • Wanted to book a video/phone call at a more convenient time to discuss
  • Need a written response to a query

Legal Updates and News

We’ll keep you up to date with the news and legislative changes that matter to you

  • Legislation updates for your sector, together with guidance on practical application
  • Insight and commentary on the Health & Safety news relevant to your sector
  • Case studies and high-profile incidents that are relevant to you

Unlimited Telephone Support

We always encourage you to pick up the phone – it’s good to talk!

  • Need a sounding board or second opinion on something Health & Safety related?
  • Want expert technical advice on a particular aspect of Health & Safety?
  • Need clarification on action to take post-accident (e.g. RIDDOR) or immediate response in a crisis?

Email Support

Email your dedicated consultant directly or the central inbox if you…

  • Need to forward a document or photo for us to review
  • Wanted to book a video/phone call at a more convenient time to discuss
  • Need a written response to a query

Legal Updates and News

We’ll keep you up to date with the news and legislative changes that matter to you

  • Legislation updates for your sector, together with guidance on practical application
  • Insight and commentary on the Health & Safety news relevant to your sector
  • Case studies and high-profile incidents that are relevant to you

Document Templates

We have hundreds of resource documents available – let us do the leg work for you

  • Guidance documents, model policies, forms and checklists, etc.
  • Charity, Care and Education specific resources (not generic)
  • Our own resources or signposting to third party resources if more appropriate
  • If it’s not something we have, let us know – if it’s useful for you, it will be useful for other Pearson Webb clients

Support with Regulatory Intervention

We stand side-by-side with you to support and advise in the event of regulatory intervention

If you find yourself facing the Health and Safety Executive, Fire Authorities, ISI, Ofsted or the CQC/Care Inspectorate, Pearson Webb Consulting will support you through this process

Serious Accident Investigation

Should there be a serious accident or incident, we’ll assist you with the investigation

We’ll make sure the relevant facts and evidence have been obtained, photos and witness statements taken, necessary statutory reports made (e.g. RIDDOR), and ensure effective follow-up is in place

Document Templates

We have hundreds of resource documents available – let us do the leg work for you

  • Guidance documents, model policies, forms and checklists, etc.
  • Charity, Care and Education specific resources (not generic)
  • Our own resources or signposting to third party resources if more appropriate
  • If it’s not something we have, let us know – if it’s useful for you, it will be useful for other Pearson Webb clients

Support with Regulatory Intervention

We stand side-by-side with you to support and advise in the event of regulatory intervention

If you find yourself facing the Health and Safety Executive, Fire Authorities, ISI, Ofsted or the CQC/Care Inspectorate, Pearson Webb Consulting will support you through this process

Serious Accident Investigation

Should there be a serious accident or incident, we’ll assist you with the investigation

We’ll make sure the relevant facts and evidence have been obtained, photos and witness statements taken, necessary statutory reports made (e.g. RIDDOR), and ensure effective follow-up is in place

Are you seeing red flags?

When it comes to your Health & Safety advisory service, do any of these statements resonate with you?
Call centre response with no continuity of consultant
Delay in speaking to qualified advisors or slow response to queries
Lack of advisors who understand your organisation, and no hands-on risk management experience
Generic, scripted or vague advice
Risk-averse responses pointing you back to regulations
Generic template documents not relevant to your sector
Lack of support or willingness to respond to regulatory intervention
No certainty on costs and increasing charges by the minute or by the hour

If so, it might be time for a change.